
Snow Day Fun

Last week was full of snow days here which means lots of baking, some playing outside (not much though, come on now, I have a baby who can't be out that long), movies, and trains.  Here's a video of a track that Tony built all by himself, gotta love the little feet jumping for joy in the background:
We made many yummy treats including banana bread, blueberry muffins, apple muffins and oatmeal cookies
Looks like we may have the chance of a few more snow days this coming week.  Hey, it may work out in the end for me....I'm due back to work on the Wednesday of spring break week.  If they overuse the snow days they start taking back days from spring break.  Do I dare say "Let it Snow".  NAhhh, me and the little guy want to get out and have some fun.  Before we know it our time will be through and we haven't done anything yet!

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