

Tony has become a big fan of the HBO Family show "Harold & The Purple Crayon" (based on a kid's book). It's available On Demand so we watch it almost everyday and there is a new episode available where Harold imagines what he will do when he grows up. One of his careers is a train conductor so of course Tony is now obsessed with this particular episode for it includes his beloved trains. Harold also imagines a high profile career in the city so now when Tony watches it he tells me "Mommy I want to go to the city". One day soon my son I will take you to a real city. Sorry, I am a snob about this, Albany just doesn't feel like a city to me. I'll take NYC or even Boston despite me being annoyed with Boston after living there for 10 years. Luckily I am so over living in an urban area so I do enjoy living out here, sometimes I just miss the ease of living in a city.


Anonymous said...

Hey there! I found your blog from Jen's site. V. cool!

I'm with you on the city thing. After living in NYC for 7 yrs, I consider that the real city. Albany is fine -- but it is not the same. I'm glad to be over living in an urban area, too. I think it is nicer to raise kids around here.

Gina said...

Oh good, glad you found me, I can read your's now too!! I'm also glad someone is with me on the city thing. Probably the thing I miss most about not being near a city is the lack of Trader Joe's up here!