

Why must my husband and his family be so freaking....I don't even know the word! They've already rearranged my plans once and now that I type all of this stuff into a beautiful loose itinerary my husband says I don't want to do this, I'm telling mom and dad we won't go with them (on the trip they surprised us with). It's so much nicer to have a semi-structured plan to follow when you have a kid. Please do not make my head explode by changing things on me again. I know this trip is just as much as Mark seeing "home" again as it is a travel experience for us but he is so uncooperative when I ask questions like "do you want to see this", "would this be a nice thing to check out" and just says sure then 10 days or hours or minutes later he says wait no, I don't want to do this or my most favorite "we'll see". Well if he's a lump I'll just hop on a tour bus and Tony and I will do what we want!

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